Monday, 17 November 2008

Loose Women

Did anyone catch Harriet Harman on Loose Women today? (I didn't). It can only be a matter of time before I get my invite...


timbone said...

Kerry, I am so cross that I missed it, Harriet Harlot on loose women. Now Kerry, you know that I am a lover of women folk, and I would have loved to see Harriet amongst that sqalling mob of delectable females who say it like it is!!!
By the way Kerry, I have just mentioned you for the second time on one of Paul Flynn's blogs. I was only saying to my two and a halfth wife five minutes ago, (the half was no.2, she was very small), that there are only four MPs that I know of with a blogsite, and you are one of them. I think that every MP should have a blogsite, but like she said, they are too scared.
So well done Kerry for being in the 21st century, despite being an MP.
Just one little niggle though. Why did you block any more comments on a particular thread. mmm *private thought - I wonder if Kerry will answer this one without a prompt*

Kerry said...

I have a dilemma with this blog. On the one hand, I don't want to restrict what people say, and that's why I don't moderate comments... On the other hand, I want it to be something that, for example, year 9 or 10 pupils can read (and I know that some do). So when people start posting racist comments, or linking to sites where they talk about stringing me up from a lamppost, what am I supposed to do?

Kerry said...

Also Timbone, there's nothing very big or clever about calling her Harriet Harlot, is there? At least Harriet Harperson is sort of making a satirical point.

timbone said...

Thanks, and yes, I understand your dilemma. As for my using that second name for Harriet, you are quite right, it is not big or clever, I will go further and say it was thoughtless, please accept my apologies. It is one of those things I found rather funny when I saw it on a forum somewhere discussing the proposed new laws on prostitution, but it was out of context here, so totally unfunny. Once again, I apologise.