Sunday, 12 July 2009

Transmission breakdown

I really have been very lax at blogging lately, to the extent that my mother phoned on Friday asking where I'd got to - double guilt there, you haven't called, you haven't blogged, do you still exist? Although she does still get the 'They Work For You' alerts, so she knows really that I do. They now consist solely of me saying 'I beg to move that the House do now adjourn' or perhaps the occasional 'Aye', so I'd suggest that everyone who follows me on there deactivates their alerts - it's not going to get anymore exciting than that for some time.

I blame Twitter, which is a pleasant and less taxing way to spend an evening. It's more immediate interaction than on a blog, and easier to rope other people into the conversation or to spread the word about something. Doesn't feel like I'm the one doing all the work. Also, being in an open plan whips office throughout the day which provides multiple distractions, and just having lots of 'stuff to do' when I'm not working (which isn't very often).

Will attempt to resume normal service as soon as inspiration strikes. In the meantime, here's some Joy Division, carnival stylee, to get the party started.

And in a lazy way of kick-starting debate on the NOTW/ tapping stuff, here's Sadie at her best (despite having flu).

1 comment:

timbone said...

I have been heavily criticised for following you, but I am a people watcher, and you are an interesting people. I was worried that now you have become a wippet, ok, whipette? that the 'stripes had gone to your head' - (do you know that one?).
Anyway Ms McCarthy, I am glad to see that you have not lost that spark which sets you apart from many other wimin mps.
Look forward to more blogs. I have missed you.