Friday, 26 October 2007


Was going to follow up with a spirited defence of MPs' "holidays" tonight, but too tired. (I need a holiday!)

Today's itinerary was as follows: breakfast with Oxfam, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth and Bristol's Labour MPs; 1 press interview (about my EDM on the Community Champions fund); two hours of emails, website and blog; a lunchtime meeting with the council leader and Cabinet; 4 radio interviews (2 on the reception I'm hosting in parliament for Bristol Drugs Project on Monday, 1 on MPs' expenses, 1 on my pensioners Council Tax benefit take-up campaign); a 90 minute surgery (quite a short one this week, but interesting cases); 3 hours in the office signing letters, dealing with correspondence, yet more emails....

I've had busier Fridays - the worst are where you have 6 or 7 appointments, scattered all over the city, and end up running late for everything - but it's been a week of late nights and early starts. So I'm going to switch off the laptop, watch Jonathan Ross and read the Guardian. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.

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